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Bleeding money

I'm dealing with getting a replacement road bike frame, and while it's not going to be cheap, it will cost a lot less than a whole new bike. So what happens? Of course, something else goes kaput. We have two laptop computers at home, one Mac (the one we love) and one Windows (the one we tolerate). The Windows machine has given us a lot of grief, and last night the display simply stopped working. We can plug it into our TV to see what's going on, but that's just silly. We know that Macs are vastly superior, but having our second computer be Windows is convenient for work-related stuff, so I ordered a new one today. That is not money that I wanted to spend.

(Yeah, I've done home repair on my Powerbook, but fixing a display is in a completely different league. Plus, the battery no longer holds more than 10 minutes' worth of charge, and we think the power supply is damaged. We're recycling this piece of crap. It's not worth fixing.)

Let's brighten the mood, shall we? Here's a freaking adorable photo of my husband around age 5 or 6. Note the red hair!

Dave, age 5

And here is a more recent photo, taken a couple of weeks ago at the Tour of California. Still pretty cute, if you ask me.

Dave, age 33

Also: Happy birthday to my Grandma Helen! I won't say her age, but I will say that it has a 1 and a 9 in it, not necessarily in that order.

March 7, 2007 11:39 AM


Two words: Oy vey.

Happy birthday Grandma Helen!

ok. is it just me or does dave look strikingly similar in his 5-year-old AND his 30-something-year-old shot.

and here i was feeling smug that i got carded today buying mostly groceries w/ a 6-pack o' beer...dave still looks like his 5-year-old self!!