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Oh my god, Ann Coult-r

I'm not going to pollute one of my photos with her name, nor do I want to her to be googleable on this site. But for decency's sake, go contribute some "Coult-r Cash" to the Edwards campaign. And if you haven't heard what she said, watch the video on that page. I've been able to ignore her until now, but it makes me ill to think that there are young people in this country who see this woman as a role model. There is no place for hate speech or slurs in politics, or anywhere else.

March 5, 2007 11:53 AM



Thanks Ariel.

I think that what is so amazing to me is not that Ann (who seems to be certifiably crazy) made this statement. What worries me is that a large group of politically powerful conservatives listened to her and applauded.

Two other Republican candidates for President were also there addressing this group with Ann. You can read about on of them below (and watch him fawn over Ann--watch as he pushes his wife to the side). The other is a former NY mayor who likes to pretend he's really a social liberal.


She's going to explain it away in many different ways (like, oh, it was a joke), but the truth of the matter is that it is hate speech. And I am all for her being able to say whatever she wants, just keep it out of my government.

She is evil.

The only way to put a stop to this kind of hate speech is to hit her where it hurts: in the wallet. Let the companies that advertise on her website know that hate speech is unacceptable to you! You can reach some of her advertisers at:
boris dunne@ing.com; info@ulta.com; investor.relations@yahoo.com;contact.community@wachovia.com; investor.relations@universalstudios.com

Verizon and Honda have already pulled their ads from her site, so the companies WILL respond! Surely we can hold the Republican Party to the same standard as Grey's Anatomy.
