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Quilty as charged

Bento Box quilt

Those stacked fabrics I showed you two weeks ago have been cut into a million rectangles, stitched together, sandwiched with batting and backing and quilted and bound around the edges. Haven't you heard? Quilting is the new triathlon.

In college I minored in art, but I always struggled with drawing and never even took painting -- I was way more into photography and printmaking. I felt liberated when working within specific constraints and following documented processes. I think that's why quiltmaking appeals to me. And putting the final stitches in a quilt binding is a deliciously satisfying finish line to cross.

I made a couple of (really hideous) quilts in college as projects for photography classes, borrowing a vintage Singer sewing machine from Dave's mom. A few years later, Dave's parents gave me a basic machine as a birthday gift. My interest in patchwork has been dormant until now. Suddenly finding myself with some free time, I signed up for a beginning quiltmaking class at a local shop. In the course of two days, I made this crib-sized quilt:

True to my obsessive-compulsive personality, I have taken to my new hobby with urgent, all-consuming passion. It took me about 24 hours over a period of about a week to make the larger quilt (which is a pattern called Bento Box). And I have fabric and patterns and ideas for several more projects lined up. Plus six quilting books on hold at the library. (The fabric is expensive enough; I don't feel the need to drop even more money on the pattern books.) Hopefully my adequate-at-best sewing skills will eventually catch up.

Speaking of expensive, have you shopped for a sewing machine lately? I could easily drop $1500 on a nice machine, but the top-of-the-line home machines are about $6000. Making quilts requires a huge amount of sewing, far more than making clothing or curtains or appliance cozies. So I've quickly become aware of the limitations of my little Husky, although I do love it. I'll stick with it, though; I'll need a new computer before I can even think about buying a computerized sewing machine.

Bento Box quilt
Quilt back Bento Box quilt

More photos.

March 1, 2007 5:36 PM


Ariel! That is beautiful! Yet another confirmation that my Mom is right - you are Quite Brilliant!

Well, Ariel I WAS right!! Your quilts are gorgeous! I used to make comforters (knotted) when the girls were little, but haven't done any creative sewing in a long time. I've always wanted to make one of those Victorian style velvet & satin ones. I love to embroider and the pieces are bordered by feather stitching, etc.
Must comment on your rat problem too. Oh yuk!! I prefer traps to poison as the poison is so evil. It's just hard to kill things and at the same time - who wants creatures pooping all over the place? I also once had to remove bats from a restaurant I worked in. Never forget the one I found hanging in the iced tea pitcher!
PS - your writing is wonderful too! Thanks for sharing with all of us.

Ariel - those quilts are gorgeous. I'm going to have to show my mom all these things. While she's not a quilter, we've gone to the Sisters (OR) quilt show every year when she's home. My aunt has close friends that help run the show and are AMAZING quilters... Its in July. Really you must go. I LOVE the quilt show weekend... congrats on your new quilts! i cant wait to come over and see them in person!