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Some velo news

Race start

I ordered a replacement frame set for my broken road bike the day after I learned it was unrideable. I was not surprised to learn that the frame was backordered -- Cervelo is known for having supply issues. I was told "end of March" and I interpreted that to mean one of two things. The first possibilty was never, or maybe August, whichever came later. The second possibility was that it would arrive the day before the Cinderella ride, my first planned ride of the season.

Cinderella is tomorrow. My new frame arrived yesterday.

My bike shop is good to me, but not that good. There's no way they could have built the bike back up for me today, with no advance notice. So I'm riding my tri bike in a metric century. There are worse problems to have. Like, oh, like having not trained at all for this ride. Ho hum.

Wish me luck: I'll be riding 67 (mostly flat) miles on a less-than-comfortable bike on absolutely zero training. On the bright side, the weather will be beautiful, there will be lots of support (and food), and we're riding with 2500 women in tiaras. But my butt is going to be sore. Very sore.

March 30, 2007 9:46 PM


how'd that all work out for you today? it was amazingly beautiful outside, even on the sf-side of the bay. i can only imagine that pleasanton was even more, um, pleasant. :)