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Seeing green

Nike Women's Marathon aid station

When I volunteered at the Nike Women's Marathon last October, I didn't expect to get paid for my efforts. But I did, sort of... I sold one of my photos from the race! About six weeks ago, someone from Gatorade's online marketing firm found the above photo on flickr and contacted me about using it in an ad.

The funny thing is that this photo should never have happened. We were only supposed to stack the cups two levels high. In our overzealousness to pour 30,000 servings before the runners reached mile 17, we built a triple tier before the aid station captain told us to simmer down and keep the cups to two stories. I do think it makes a better photo.

The agency folks tell me the ad has been trafficked, but I haven't found it yet. (I'm checking all my favorite running and cycling sites and hitting reload, reload, reload.) Let me know if you see it.

April 9, 2007 6:45 PM


That's great! I always enjoy seeing your photos, and it's nice that Gatorade appreciates your eye, too!

Awesome. I did a quick look for the ad last night and could not find it. If you do locate it let me know, I would love to see it. Don also says well done.

Way to go! Congrats on selling your photo! You're famous :) Ditto - let me know if you see it, I'd love to get an autograph :)