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For all things I've been doing wrong, I must have been doing something right

Bay to Breakers

Today was a nice day not to be running. To watch Bay to Breakers roll through the park, and then to go get a pedicure. My back still hurts and I need a break.

Last week I had the privilege of getting a full evaluation of my running gait, strength, flexibility, and footwear, all for free. A local sports medicine clinic is starting up a program for which they'll eventually charge runners lots of money, but I got in early as a guinea pig.

A doctor tested my strength (er, weaknesses) and flexibility. He told me I have weak glutes. Hmm. This does actually explain some things, like why at the end of long, hard races, I start to canter unevenly and drag one foot like Quasimodo. (Almost.) (At least that's what it feels like.) I also have terrible balance and my muscles were tight everywhere he tested. I tried to convince him that that was because I had finished a 20-mile ride only an hour earlier and hadn't had time to stretch. Which is true. If I had had more time, would I have stretched? Um.

A foot specialist examined my feet, watched me walk with and without shoes, and checked the wear on my current pair of running shoes. Turns out I overpronate way more than I thought I did. I've been running in the wrong shoes for seven years, and I need orthotics, too. Huh! Sort of surprising. I have four pairs of my current shoe model, in various states of decay. I suppose it wouldn't kill me to keep running in them until it's time to recycle them.

A nutritionist evaluated my pre-, mid- and post-workout nutrition, which I have pretty well dialed. At least I passed one section.

And finally, they videotaped me running on a treadmill from the side and from behind, which I got to watch later with the entire group in horrifying slow motion. Honestly, I'd rather not look at a full body shot of myself from the rear while doing or wearing anything. (And by that I do NOT mean I prefer to be wearing nothing.) But, of course, it was instructive. I do look OK running from the side. And again, the overpronation is pretty obvious from behind.

I went to Sports Basement the next day and picked up some moderately-more-supportive shoes. I refuse to go for the full-on motion-control shoes. They're much, much heavier than what I'm used to, and they hardly flex at all. I know plenty of people run in these with great success, but I look at them and think of Jimmy Hoffa. I think I'd do more harm than good by making such a drastic change in my footwear.

I thought about Jimmy Hoffa and concrete shoes a few times as I did a 10-mile run in the brand-new shoes Friday, having never run in them before. I really do know better. Doing a long run in new new shoes is a recipe for injury. My legs felt a little more beaten up than usual following that stunt, so I soaked them in a bathtub full of cold water afterward.* It actually felt... good.

There's nothing like a soak in freezing-cold water to remind me that what I do is a little crazy sometimes.

*While wearing a fleece jacket and hat. Brr.

May 20, 2007 8:18 PM


well it wasnt as crazy as our 125 mile bike ride against 20-30mph winds on Sunday... *ouch, me bum!

I think I spotted your Gatorade cups photo in an add for the Endurance formula. It's appearing over at www.thefinalsprint.com

The ad is animated and the photo of the cups shows up first as a kind of scroll and then it transforms into a locator for a store that sells Endurance. It was right in the middle of the front page when I first saw it but I've seen it in the sidebar too.