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Training for everything

Red door

I am not training for anything. My friends and acquaintances, many of whom are athletes of some sort, routinely ask me what I'm training for. At any point in the last seven years, the answer would have been a list of triathlons, running races, century rides, multi-day rides, and open-water swims. For the first time in a long time, I am not signed up for a single event. This may change -- I'll probably do a few races this summer -- but notably, I am not signed up for an ironman or anything else requiring a training schedule months in advance.

I am, however, training as though I were, with three swims, three rides and three or four runs per week. This is because I missed the training. And also to burn calories to help me lose the weight I've gained back slowly in the last two years.

Yesterday I went to Sawyer Camp, a local running/biking trail which is popular among marathon runners. It's paved, quiet, shady and secluded, and has mile markers, water and bathrooms. Everything you need for a good 16- or 20-miler.

I only ran 8 miles, and it was depressing. My pace was about 10:30 per mile. I used to easily maintain a 9:20 pace over 20 miles here, with the last 4 miles at 8:50. Weight gain and lack of speedwork will slow you down like that. My work, as they say, is cut out for me.

During the run I leapfrogged with a couple who were about my pace. When we were all finished, the woman introduced herself and thanked me for providing a little motivation for picking up the pace. We chatted for a while, and she asked me what I'm training for. I gave her my vague answer, and asked her the same question. "I'm training to be 90 years old and fit and healthy," she said. Good answer.

Our chat wound down and I told her I was heading to the Burlingame pool for a swim in the sunshine. She told me that I must try another pool nearby in San Mateo, as it was much better and friendlier, and the water was treated with chlorine, not bromine. (I have no preference -- any outdoor pool is a luxury to me -- but I thought this was an interesting way to choose a pool.) I made a mental note of it but still planned to head to Burlingame, where I know the routine.

When I got to the Burlingame pool, though, the lifeguard had interesting news. "Lap swim is over in 20 minutes," he said. "That's a surprise," I said. "Yeah, to you and about 20 other people." It was supposed to go another hour and a half. (Then, to add insult to annoyance, he pointed out that I had entered the pool deck through the men's locker room side. Oops.)

Suddenly my new friend Diana seemed like a messenger sent from heaven. I had to wait another 40 minutes for the lap swim at the San Mateo pool to start, but it was a very nice experience. I got my own lane and swam 2400 meters in the mid-day sunshine. I even have the freckles to prove it. (Yes, I wore SPF 45 everywhere, but the freckles weren't listening.) Thank you, Diana, wherever you are.

I'd like to think I'm tough as nails and can deal with a pretty big training load easily. But it seems I tweaked my lower back two weeks ago, possibly by coming back too quickly after being sick. But, typically, I have ignored the pain and trained right through it. (Whyyy? It's not like I have an important race to train for.) Last night and this morning the pain was particularly persistent, so I am taking a day off. I wish it weren't so nice outside.

And speaking of training to be a fit and healthy 90-year-old, I am lucky enough to have good genes for that myself. My grandma, who is in her 90s (she won't like me telling you that, but I think she should be proud of it), is recuperating from hip-replacement surgery. Grandma set a great example for us and zillions of other kids by teaching swimming and school P.E. for decades. I'm looking forward to seeing her back on the dance floor soon. Heal fast, Grandma!

May 12, 2007 10:53 AM


OOOOHHHH you MUST take me to the outdoor pool! Is it 50m? I'm swimming at AP these days if you want some company :) i miss you IMtrainingbuddy!