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Unexpected revelations

Mission San Rafael

My husband just told me, I swear I'm not making this up, "You're missing all the fun not being on facebook." Oy. What I am not missing is yet another reason to spend half three-quarters of my life in front of a computer. Sigh.


I am happier than I probably should be about our new washing machine. I was pretty happy about our old washer, to be honest, when we moved here from the 450-square-foot glorified studio where we lived for six and a half years. For those many years we schlepped six to ten weekly loads of laundry (much of it very smelly, sweaty and/or muddy) down the hill to a laundromat. So moving to our current flat with its own garage (!) and washer and dryer (!!!) was a pretty serious upgrade. I shouldn't brag, but these are luxuries in San Francisco. Anyway, the 22-year-old washer stopped working reliably, so our landlords have replaced it with a shiny new model. I have an appliance crush on it. I like to watch it filling up with water and then listen to it humming away as it washes, washes, washes our clothes. Probably not healthy.


I eat energy bars when I'm riding my bike. I don't like to eat them at other times. You won't catch me eating a Clif bar for breakfast or any other meal, or even as a snack, or really any time I'm not either on my bike or desperately hungry. I think they are generally kind of icky and there is always something else I'd rather be eating -- but being on a long bike ride makes them magically taste better. So I was pretty surprised when I tried Clif's chocolate brownie ZBar. These things are marketed at kids, free of corn syrup and trans fats, and DELICIOUS. I bought a case at Trader Joe's and I've been eating them for dessert. They actually faintly resemble a real brownie.


We attended a wedding reception recently with a lot of high school kids in attendance. Watching them huddle in packs around the dance floor took me right back to 1994. And you know what? Even today, thirteen years later, there's always the one kid wearing a fedora. I guess some things never change.

August 17, 2007 7:29 AM


Right there with you on appliances. My Mom has a really nice washer and dryer, the washing machine even has a "hand wash" cycle. ahhhh...

The units in my flat are old and crusty, and the dryer sometimes leaves big rust marks on our stuff. which does not make me happy. Oh well, at least the machines are right in the kitchen!

Well had I known you had a crush, I would have definitely dropped off the orange pants for a washing. :)