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Just call me Lefty

Lobster claw

That's Dave's new nickname for me. I injured my right, dominant hand while running. Yes, I did it running. Spare me the "you're supposed to run with your feet" remarks, please. Right now I wish I could type with my feet because this damn splint is making it really difficult.

I tripped. I took a header. I do this probably two, three, four times a year. I am a klutz. I landed on my right hand, scraped up my knee. Got up, caught my breath, dusted off and kept running. But the pain in my hand would not go away. By the end of my run, 20 minutes later, it was throbbing. By the time I was showered and dressed, it really hurt like a mofo. My palm is pretty swollen and there's a very tender lump right where I landed.

The X-rays showed no fracture, so they're calling it a sprain, with the possibility of a hairline fracture that just isn't appearing on film. I have this lovely splint to immobilize it, which together with 800mg of Vitamin I has done a lot to dull the pain.

Like an idiot, I agreed to get sushi for dinner. You try to use chopsticks with only two fingers. Lucky for me, the hostess took pity and gave me cheater chopsticks.

I'm not sure how this will affect my biking or swimming in the near future. A lot will depend on how it feels in the next few days. But the hunt-and-peck typing (and accidental hitting of F-keys with the giant lobster claw) and the left-handed mousing are enough to drive me nutty at this point. %$@!#!!!

(Perhaps this is what I get for writing about some form of crashing two posts in a row. Hrrrrmph grumble grumble.)

October 15, 2007 11:33 PM


Oh, MAN! I'm sorry to hear that. How long do you need to wear The Claw?

Woe! Can you get time off work for it?

Yow! Can you get it wet? if so, this might be a good time to do kickboard drills.
And if typing's a drag, there's always voice-recognition software....
I hope it gets better soon!

you could always commiserate with lobster-claw ben (from the mouse team). WOW A - cant believe it! SORRY!

ooo! gimpy body parts are style crimpin'. :(

I can't believe you haven't drawn a mouth, nose, eyes, etc. on the bandages to make a puppet out of your hand. I know that's the very first thing I'd do. Hope it heals quickly.