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Sock the monkey

Sock monkey quilt

This is a quilt I made for a friend who's having a baby very soon. She likes sock monkeys. Who doesn't?

But the best part was that, at the baby shower today, this friend's mom gave her an actual sock monkey which she had made herself. The monkey and the quilt are a perfectly matched set!

Here is a closer look at the front. The back is cozy flannel covered with adorable monkey faces.

My sewing machine and I are very tired.

October 6, 2007 10:43 PM


That is soooo cool! Sorry we missed the big gift unveiling.

three days later & i still get all teary-eyed just looking at this beautiful quilt made for my li'l pumpkin (or should that be monkey?!). this couldn't have been a more perfect, thoughtful & postively creative gift...ariel, you are tops!! (from one crafty soul to another, i know that hand-making gifts like this is no small feat, which makes it all the more special!)