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29 lessons, almost

I was hoping to get all my photos from Spain sorted and edited by today. But instead I spent the entire day dealing with a networking issue with the new computer -- not a problem, mind you, nothing that is technically wrong, but just me trying to do things the hard way as usual. Grumble. I didn't get out of the house for my run (which should have been preceded by a bike ride, but wasn't) until 4:15pm.

When I did finally put on my shoes and hit the road, I remembered why running is so important to me. Going for a run almost always makes a day better, even if that day was pretty great to begin with. If I go for a run after a few hours of trying to solve a problem, getting some distance from it gives me fresh perspective. If I run first thing in the morning, I start the day with a much brighter outlook. So why is it still such a challenge to get out the door? Because running is still hard, I suppose, no matter how much I enjoy it. I have to admit that the best part of a run is the final stretch, knowing that I'm almost home.

November 29, 2007 10:50 PM