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Another day of cyclocross

Go Dave!

Dave raced today at another big cyclocross race, this time in Golden Gate Park, and I went along because it's his last cross race of the season, and it's spitting distance from home. I also went along to help because Dave's team provides volunteers for course set-up and break-down and they can always use extra hands. And maybe I also went along because some part of me enjoys bundling up, spending an overcast day outside, and hovering over the barbecue to keep my hands warm. Maybe.

It was a fun day, if a bit chilly. We were out there for nine hours and I'm exhausted and feeling sunburned even though I'm not (SPF 36 even when it's overcast, you betcha)... I just feel a little overexposed. I managed to sneak in a longish run between Dave's two races, and I also managed to drink three or four beers late in the afternoon before we started pulling up stakes, collecting cones, wrapping up course-marking tape, etc. I am totally exhausted.

I realized I omitted a major item from my surely-you-can't-be-serious wish list: this cyclocross bike. Very few of this model exist, they're handmade, and as far as I can tell they're no longer in production. That makes them even more desirable, of course. Gorgeous.

November 25, 2007 8:31 PM