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Fifteen days

Decorative drain

I'm halfway through the month of November and I've managed to run for a minimum of 20 minutes every single day so far. I haven't been breaking any speed or distance records -- only one of those runs has been over an hour. But considering that I've been on vacation for the last eight days, I think I've done great.

If not for this stunt, I certainly would not have hauled my jet-lagged and dehydrated tuckus out of bed to run the day after we arrived in Spain, or gotten up at 4:40am to squeeze in 30 minutes before our Tangier trip. I probably wouldn't even have run today, but I got in another treadmill run before we headed to Granada for a very full 12-hour day of seeing the Alhambra, the old Moorish town and the tomb of Ferdinand and Isabella.

Granada, which was the last Moorish stronghold in Spain until it fell to the Catholics in 1492, reminded me of the best parts of Tangier without the men constantly trying to sell us stuff. We spent most of today walking up and down steep cobbled streets much like the hills back home. My legs are very, very tired. (I'm too tired to look at my photos... so you get a 700-year-old floor drain from Ronda. Those Moorish architects were into details.) I think I might hit the hotel jacuzzi before I fall asleep. Because I get to wake up tomorrow and run again!

November 15, 2007 2:31 PM