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Holiday wish list, surely-you-can't-be-serious edition

You may be thinking, Holiday wish list? Already? My neighbor's Halloween pumpkin is still rotting on the doorstep! But liven up, my friends, because Hanukkah, the winter holiday of choice around here, is just around the corner. It starts December 4th this year. And don't call me Shirley.

My endurance-junkie friends will understand why this gorgeous endorphin necklace appeals to me. I think my geek friends will, too.

This Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8G lens would be the ultimate glass for my Nikon SLR camera. It takes fan-freaking-tastic photos. I mean, look at this and this and this. I do need a telephoto lens for taking better race photos. This one's a little bit out of my price range, though.

A CompuTrainer would let me ride a computerized simulation of the Ironman Arizona bike course (or any other race) from the comfort of my living room. Plus they claim "the regular use of CompuTrainer will increase your bike speed by 2 to 4 mph." It costs about the same as a new bike. But I'd feel guilty riding it when it's nice outside. Which, in San Francisco, is most of the time, even in winter. Compared to, say, Minnesota.

I feel like I've spent the last ten years looking for the right piece of furniture that will Hide The Television. Most TV cabinets are just too gigantic, especially since flat-panel TVs these days are so thin. This cabinet does not just cover up a flat-panel TV; it swallows it whole. It has a motorized lift that lowers the boob tube down behind fake cabinets. Pretty nifty.

I need to replace my 3.5-year-old Powerbook. A fully tricked-out 17" MacBook Pro (2.6ghz processor, 4gb of RAM, 250gb hard drive) would certainly be a nice little upgrade. Sure, it costs more than three regular white MacBooks or a new carbon-fiber racing bike, and would be worth more than our car. But I spend way more time with my computer than with my bike or my car. Makes perfect sense, no?

November 18, 2007 5:43 AM