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Lucky turtle brownies

Lucky turtle brownies

No, they're not "special" brownies. But they were photographed with expired Lucky film.

Will someone please confiscate my oven? I need to stop baking, and more specifically, eating stuff like this. I mean, damn, these brownies are good. But I'm supposed to be getting lean and mean for my race coming up in April. Not eating crap.

The recipe is here. I sprinkled a wee bit of sea salt over the caramel before squiggling the chocolate over it. To die for.

Those of you with 35mm film cameras, if you are interested in shooting your own roll of expired Lucky film, now is your chance. Heather Champ, the mastermind behind the project, has just announced she's sending out 50 more rolls of film.

November 3, 2007 3:11 PM