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Ode to hosiery

Dirty socks... eeeew!

Last year I started the month of November with a really disgusting photo, so I think I may have some expectations to live up to. I'm doing my best not to let anyone down. You can thank me in the comments.

I am pretty particular about my running socks. I wear double-layer WrightSocks exclusively. They contain a blend of silky-soft space-age fibers that suck the sweat right away from my delicate toes. They are great socks. They cost $3 per sock and are worth every penny.

Believe it or not, the socks in this photo are clean. Well, they're as clean as they're ever going to get. Running is a dirty habit. I run on trails and sidewalks in Golden Gate Park, through sprinklers and mud puddles that never dry up. I run at Ocean Beach and on the trails of Mt. Tam, which leaves the orange dirt stains. I have run through snow and in oppressive heat. I finished an Ironman triathlon in a rainstorm in these socks. I've skidded through the famous red mud of Kauai. I ran a trail marathon with lots of squishy black mud that threatened to suck my shoes off. All things considered, these socks look pretty clean.

I just bought eight new pairs of socks so it's time to throw out the grubbiest of the bunch. I sorted them in order from just-slightly-stained to nearly-solid-brown, and when I was done, of course I had to take a picture.

The photo is of 13.5 pairs of socks. I was going to try to pick the dirtiest eight pairs to discard, but I think I may just chuck the lot of them and buy a few more new pairs next time I'm at Sports Basement. So I guess this is a farewell to 27 socks that have served me well. Happy trails, my friends.

No, there will not be an underwear post.

November 2, 2007 6:24 PM


BRILLIANT!!! :) and i secretly liked the pig photo...

You know, there's one really white one in there, it looks like. I mean, just, you know, in case you hadn't thrown them all away yet. And because I can identify with the neurosis, and should probably not poke fun at all, nor help.

Mine? Well, that'd be the spandex bike shorts, unfortunately. I can never tell them apart, and I know there are a few in there which don't really fit so well ... but when I get back from riding, do I ever remember to chuck the bad ones? And can I tell before the ride?

I did sneak one of the new ones in among the old just for comparison.

The problem with old bike shorts is that they become transparent in sunlight. All it takes is one friend telling me they can see more than I care to expose, and those shorts go in the trash the moment I get home!