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Quiet places

After seven days in a row of running, my knees are feeling it. They're just a little creaky. The downhills especially hurt. The first mile after leaving my house is mostly steep downhill. Kinda painful.

This photo is of my high school chapel. Yeah, I was very lucky. The chapel was built by hand, one adobe block at a time, by students in the 1920s.

This spot was my quiet place. Not the chapel itself, which was lovely and peaceful but also a bit dark and dank, but this covered walkway. (I know there is an architectural term for this but I can't remember what it is. I have a feeling one of you will remind me.) It was quiet and usually sunny, and elevated above the hubbub of the rest of campus. It's even nicer now with the addition of some new landscaping. The smoke-tinted lighting doesn't hurt.

What are or were your places to escape life's noise?

November 7, 2007 10:17 AM


my escape spot in high school was the american river bike path. when i needed to bust out from my house (and get away from my parental units), i'd hop on my trusty centurion 10-speed and ride down there. inevitably i'd ride a few miles, find a secluded path down to the waterfront, schlepp my bike down there with me & watch the water. if i were lucky there'd be some ducks or an egret there to remind me that life was bigger than my teenage angst.