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Running through November


Over the last couple of weeks I have been thinking a lot about my plan for Ironman Arizona. The race is in just over five months. I think I will start on a regular training program in December. I did my last half-ironman in September and I've sort of been taking a break for the last month or so. I didn't really plan it that way -- my hand is much better, but still tender riding a spin bike -- but it has been a good mental break.

The toughest part of taking time off, for me, is that if I don't have a training schedule, I have a very hard time motivating myself to work out. Writing down yesterday's run in my workout log, I realized that I had run three days in a row. It occurred to me that November would be a great month for a run focus. Running is my strongest leg in triathlon, so I really should be focusing on my cycling or swimming in this semi-down time. But I will be traveling for a good chunk of this month, which will make regular swim and bike workouts difficult.

So I'm planning to run every day in November, 30 days straight. I have put in some high-mileage months in the last few years, but I've never run every day for a month. Putting myself up to this challenge will provide terrific motivation, especially since I know that you will all be keeping an eye on my sidebar over there to track how I'm doing. (Humor me.) I'm aiming for a 20-minute-per-day minimum, since there will be days that I'm biking as well. There will be a couple of days when even 20 minutes will be a challenge; I may have to find an airport gym or go for a nighttime run in a strange foreign city. It'll be interesting.

Come on, join me, even if you have to start a few days late. And feel free to substitute swimming, walking, or biking if you choose. Any ideas for a name? NaWoStreaMo?

(That's National Workout Streak Month. Although calling it "National" seems pretty assuming.)

November 4, 2007 2:54 PM


I need motivation, myself, so I'll join you for Running through November. (I like that better than giving it another clipping-acronym hybrid.) I won't be running, myself — more likely biking, walking, swimming, and yoga — but I'm trying to get myself into a more regular workout routine, and this sounds like a good boost.

I'll be cycling, thanks. But not so much of a distance as you'll be looking for, I'm sure. :) Good luck!