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Tangier doorways

I rode my bike today for the first time in five! weeks!!! The ride was nice, but I had a bit of a rude awakening when I realized that I'm signed up for an Ironman which is in about 4.5 months and I had gone a really long time without riding my bike. Like an idiot. Jeez. Everything will be OK. I'll remember how to ride my bike. Right?

It has been really cold here. For San Francisco, that is. You easterners and midwesterners and mountain staters will laugh your heads off when I tell you that 43 degrees F is cold. I bundled up in my leg warmers and toe warmers and fleece cycling jersey and vest and the little cycling earmuffs that once earned me the nickname "Muffy." And I was a little too warm. Better too warm than shivering, I say. You can always subtract extra layers, but you can't add layers you don't have.

And I rode a whopping 30 miles, which really isn't that far, but it is far when the longest you have ridden outdoors all month is 0 miles. And my butt is a little tender. And then I had to run. I think I have mentioned that I am sick of... not so much of running, but of the obligation to run. But I did it anyway.

And then we topped off the day with Mexican food. It's hard to go wrong with chips and salsa and margaritas.

And now I am sitting at home in a hooded sweatshirt, puffy down vest, fuzzy scarf and hat, waiting for the bed to pre-heat so I can go to sleep -- because we refuse to turn on the heat (it's only November!) and it's about 58 degrees inside. Brrrrrr.

November 24, 2007 10:18 PM