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The Swimsuit Issue


I spent a lot of time in a swimsuit as a kid. There is plenty of photographic evidence of this. And I was tan! (As tan as this redhead will ever get, anyway.)

When I decided I wanted to race in a triathlon, I had to learn how to swim all over again. I was perfectly comfortable in the water, but I would swim to the end of the pool, then stop and cling to the edge to catch my breath. I took to it quickly, though, and I'd like to think that's because I spent so much time splashing around as a kid.

You're unlikely ever to see photos of me so skimpily clad as an adult. I was a pretty cute little freckle monster though, huh?

(Thanks to my aunt Lauren for these photos. When Dave and I got married, Lauren gave Dave an album full of childhood photos of me. Most of the photos do not have me in swimwear, I swear, but that's where these pictures came from.)

November 8, 2007 12:30 PM


OH! Can't...Take...the CUTENESS!

OMG you have the CUTEST little kid pictures - i LOVE that one of you in the blue polkadots at the top! I cant take the cuteness!

Those are adorable! It's so cool that you had your own mask and flippers--I'm still trying to convince myself to buy snorkeling gear and stop renting it.